Leslie Goldberg | Nationally Recognized Educational Consultant

The Goldberg Center's extended educational consulting team is pleased to announce that its Founder, Leslie Goldberg, has been awarded the "ISPA Distinguished Service Award" in recognition of her years of work in helping to guide struggling students and their families:

ISPA Announces Leslie Goldberg M.Ed., CEP Recipient of the "ISPA Distinguished Service Award"

April 30, 2009

At the Independent Small Programs Alliance (ISPA) Dinner Meeting in San Francisco, Leslie Goldberg, one of the true founders and pioneers of the Independent Educational Consultant profession was presented with a most prestigious award.

Leslie was awarded the ISPA Distinguished Service Award, by Andy Anderson, ISPA President. This award has only been given once previously in the last 4 years.

ISPA notes - "The ISPA Distinguished Service Award" will be awarded to a Business, Person or Organization providing impactful leadership or global service to ISPA and our industry. This description epitomizes the professional work and leadership of Leslie Goldberg.

Leslie has championed many causes in the provision of service to families in need of educational consulting. Further she has been a tremendous supporter of ISPA. She has spread the word of the important place small programs have in the continuum of educational alternatives and treatment of special needs young people and their families.

Andy Anderson, stated upon presenting the award at the dinner meeting, "Leslie Goldberg is the only two (2) time recipient of an ISPA Award and that her professionalism, intellect and hard work for families, young people and small programs alike have positively changed the face of our important work.

It is the Leslie Goldberg's of the world who have opened new pathways to meeting the difficult needs of those we serve. She is an innovator, fearless in facing challenges and finding solutions to complex problems. We at ISPA are honored to be able to work with Leslie and The Goldberg Center for Educational Planning."

Tags: educational consultants, educational consulting profession, communication, outcomes, specialized educational consulting, Announcements, awards

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